Thursday, November 25, 2010


Wishing you and yours a very wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving! Last year I spent the day in Sun City volunteering. It was a wonderful experience. My family due to conflicting work schedules was unable to really sit down and enjoy each others company. This year Grandma is cooking (Turkey was in the oven at 7am!) and the family is getting together. I feel very blessed that certain circumstances happening at home while I was in New Jersey, led me to be able to come home early. Otherwise, I would have been spending the holiday in an apartment alone or with another family, not mine. I am excited to be home for the holidays...and hopefully...for good. 

I have a lot to be thankful for this year. My family, my health, my friends (MIL a huge shout out to), my healing of my injury last year, my new company, my clients, and most of all the Lord who gave it all for me. To have these things and this life. 

I hope you have a wonderful day. Thus, if you know me, you know what comes next: It is a holiday, not a holimonth. You will eat all the rest of the days following today. No reason to eat to gain. No reason to wake up the next day feeling guilty. There will be leftovers :-) 


Monday, November 22, 2010

Product Review: Limited Edition Honey Maid Gingerbread

The product review gods are against me. This is my second attempt to write this review after it keeps "accidentally" not saving. Therefore let me be simple and clear. I bought these figuring it would be a nice sweet treat for the holiday season. There was only one box left on the shelf at the store. Therefore I assumed it was popular.

I opened them up tonight...epic fail. I will like always, give them a second chance. I do this with bad restaurant experiences as well. To be fair...maybe I was not really in the mood for it. When I think gingerbread houses (as pictured on the box) I think sweet and yummy. What I got was a spicy feeling tongue that I needed to drown in water.

1 serving size is 8 crackers= 2 full sheets
Calories 130
Calories from fat 25
3g of total fat
24g of carbohydrates
8g of sugars
2g of protein

This is not a "get in the holiday spirit" type snack. I would go back to eating the regular type. I did state I will try them again, once I find a recipe and figure out how to utilize them in a better format. Alone= fail. Thank goodness they are limited edition right? Means they can't be around for long :-p

All in all they get ONE star out of FIVE (*)

Alaskan Maple Salmon Dinner Under 600 calories!

This is a favorite of my grandmothers. I got the recipe for the sauce/marinade from one of my best friends in Canada. She made it for me this past January while I was there. I fell in LOVE!

The meal comes in under 600 calories and  you can do a few variations for the sides to change those values.

  • Alaskan Salmon (Mine is Schwan's)--Aldi sells packages of wild caught and it averages $1 per pc.
  • Maple syrup
  • Soy sauce
  • Minced garlic or fresh garlic you can mince-Aldi sells a glass jar of minced garlic cheap!
  • Fresh or frozen broccoli
  • small potatoes (my two are the size of one large!)
  • condiments/sides as preferred.
Take 20-30 minutes to marinate salmon in an equal mix of soy sauce and maple syrup, make sure they are covered nicely and soak it in. It does not take much of either to do this. You can also use light syrup to cut calories.

Preheat oven to 375- once salmon is nicely soaked place in aluminum covered baking dish. Spoon a tsp of minced garlic across each piece of salmon. Bake for 20 minutes or until flaky with a fork.

Steam your broccoli as normal

Baked potato can do 5 min in the microwave and then wrapped in foil or bake in oven. Your choice.

Once done serve on plate. I chose to use 1 tbsp of butter spread split between each potato in this photo, minimal salt on potato and broccoli, and some Parmesan cheese on the broccoli. The potatoes also tasted amazing dipped in the excess sauce.

This is high in protein and a great balance if you are on the Herbalife program and needing one large colorful meal a day!

Not quite sure what to think of that phone call! Scam for sure!

So a phone call comes in. On my business line. The number shows "Unknown." Now, typically I do not answer these, I let them go straight to voice mail. I should have done that. The guy starts off with "I saw your website." I reply "OK, which one?" He states "The Herbalife one." This goes on for a moment while I try to figure out exactly WHAT he is calling for. After stating he was interested in knowing if I train distributors out of the state of Florida he then tried to sell me his advertising!

Mind you, this man gives me NO NAME, NO contact info, and No company name. He goes on to say they do over 40 publications like USA TODAY etc and do full ads. For $290 for a year it will reach 4.6 million people a month. People who want to start their own business. They promote to boaters and yacht owners. At this point my eyes are rolling. He then says I can do a 3 month trial for $150. A quarterly Fall promotion reaches another 7,500 people. The papers go out on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

He then asks "So can I sign you up?" LMAO!!!!!!! I explain that I would like more information, an email or website and he says he can put the trial cost to $99. I told him at this time I am not interested but would like more information. "OK well call me if you are interested later." Then he hung up. Still leaving me with NO information.

Lesson learned: Don't answer the UNKNOWN call. Next reminder to ALL: NEVER EVER EVER sit there and give your information to someone you are not face to face with or that YOU did not call yourself. Scammers are EVERYWHERE. Bad business practice and I am rather appalled.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Time flies...daily in my life LoL

So seriously, I did not even realize is now Sunday morning! I have not written since Thursday. I am not doing so well on this not being lazy blogging situation am I? I promise to get better at it. I have so much information and fun stuff I want to share. I want to thicken this bad boy up. Make it presentable. :-p 

Friday I met with new clients, hit up the bonfire at my pastors home, and then did some work online when getting home at midnight. Saturday I met with one client for an appointment and then went ice skating. I am really trying to get back in to the full swing of things. Too bad the ice on the South rink was so bad you could stand "still" and start gliding into the center. The ice literally dipped around all the sides. Did not lead to good spins or footwork at all!

I came home to end up going across the street to a friends house. She is a client as well. Her mother wanted to try the Cafe Latte Formula 1. They both ended up loving it! I think I might be addicted as well. Why pay $3.20 and the calories for an ice frap at McDonald's when I can get this for less than $1.00 per serving with some milk and ice?!?! 

I finally ended up at home around midnight. Lookie is now nearly 3am LoL. I did a little more online work and now I am ready to snooze and have my first day of sleeping in this week!!! 

I promise to start adding some fun freebies and coupons tomorrow. Sunday paper is the BEST :-p 


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thursday is shaping up to be wonderful!

Good afternoon! I did not get much sleep. I had to wake up to get 15 samples ready for a client to take in to work. That led to me doing her weigh in before 9am...but it was progress! She lost 3lbs and 8 inches this past week! I am so proud of her! She is currently taking the Formula 1 and Total Control from Herbalife. She has also become a fan of the chocolate coconut protein bars and the creamy chicken soup.

I then took a tray of samples up to Chase JPMorgan Banking (My awesome bank LoL)<--Hey! Bank of America pissed me off! I was a customer since the age of 10 and last Spring they really irked me the wrong way..that was after pissing me off LAST year as well. So I went there and started handling out samples per their request yesterday. I took in some Formula 1 vanilla lemon bars and Formula 1 cookies & cream pie!

I am doing wellness evaluations for the branch manager and his wife tomorrow! Along with that, I will hopefully be doing a presentation to the board of directors for children's football in the New Year! Apparently it is a big recurrence that many of the children have to lose 10-20lbs to be in their leagues. Herbalife has the children's shakes and vitamins which is a great way to help child hood obesity! I am very excited about this opportunity.

Tomorrow will be busy between work and a lunch date (Not a real date haha) with a friend of mine from the ice rink! I have not had Sweet Tomatoes in over five months!!! Salad bar..HERE I COME!!!


I admit, I have been lazy in this aspect...

OK...I'm not usually one to be lazy. However, life has really just gone off with the speed of light lately and I can't seem to keep up. Not that this is a bad thing. I am busy with work. Selling Herbalife and helping my clients focus on their programs. They are all having success within the first week of starting and it really is not only exciting for me but really exciting for them!

Client A: Lost 3lbs the first week and over 6 inches total

Client B: Lost 2lbs first week (she cheated, she admitted, but now she is seeing results so she is getting strict on herself)--but she lost 7inches total and 3.5 of that came from her waist!

I have two client weigh in's tomorrow (Well today, it is now nearly 2am Eastern!)

I did a sampling event at a local gym. Gave away a nice prize basket. I have a lot of samples to deliver out once the sun rises. T-Mobile, A dental office, and a bank! The bank called me after I left asking if I could not only come in tomorrow but next week! No problem :-p

I had a really nice birthday. Went to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. I managed to only eat half of my birthday "cheesecake" cake haha.

I promise to get in here a little more often to blog, I just had so much going on so soon..but I promise..I have not forgotten about how special blogging is to me, plus it's fun :-p

Hope everyone has a super fabulous weekend!!!!!


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Two Week Check In!

So I did my two week check in. Here is what is going on-

I started caring about losing weigh Oct 2nd when I got back to Tampa. I was done with the feeling crappy, done with feeling fat, and done with making excuses. So in TOTAL I am down 17lbs.

The past two weeks with Herbalife I am down 5lbs and a total of 8 inches! The inches so far have come from bust, waist, hips, thighs, and calves! I feel amazing. Last night at the gym I was able to do cardio for two hours with no problem and burn off 1035 calories!!!!

Hope everyone else is doing well and staying healthy as we prepare for the holidays!
